100+ Sentences of Is Am Are – Use, Structures and Examples

100+ Sentences of Is Am Are – Use, Structures and Examples

In the realm of language, simplicity often holds profound significance. When it comes to constructing sentences, few structures are as elemental and versatile as those built around the forms “is, am, are.” These simple yet essential words, collectively known as the “be” verbs, lay the foundation for countless statements, descriptions, and discussions. By understanding the nuances and potential of these foundational components, we can enhance our communication skills, express thoughts more precisely, and navigate the intricacies of language with confidence.
The sentences formed with “is, am, are” are part of the broader framework of the English language known as the present tense, representing the state of being or existence in the present moment. These unassuming words are remarkable in their ability to convey information, establish connections, and express various aspects of reality. While they may seem basic, they possess an elegance that allows for profound expression in the simplest of terms.
This article delves into the art of constructing sentences using “is, am, are” and explores their many applications in written and spoken communication. We will journey through the essential grammar rules, examine common pitfalls, and uncover the subtleties that can elevate your usage of these verbs to new heights. Whether you’re a student seeking to improve your writing, a professional honing your communication skills, or an English language learner striving for fluency, this guide aims to be your trusted companion in unraveling the secrets of “is, am, are.”
is am are sentences

So, join us on this linguistic journey as we delve into the sentences of “is, am, are” and unlock the immense potential they hold. By embracing their elegance and understanding their intricacies, we can transform our communication and embark on a path towards more effective and impactful expression.

Use of Is Am Are Sentences

Use of is

1. We use is with a singular noun that means one thing.
Anna is drinking juice
Anna is one person she’s a singular noun that’s why we use is after Anaa.
2. We use is with the pronouns he, she and it.
If these pronouns are in the sentence they are going to be followed by is.

  • she is a firefighter
  • he is recycling
  • It is a blue book.

We can say:

  • he is
  • she is
  • it is
And with singular nouns like book:
  • book is

Use of are

Now, let’s learn how to use are.

1. We use are with a plural noun meaning more than one.

  • The bananas are in the basket.

Bananas refers to more than one banana that is why it’s followed by are.
2. We also use are with these pronouns

  • they
  • we
  • you

Even though you only refers to one it is an exception and we use it with are.

  • They are planting.
  • We are playing
  • You are a good student

We can say:

  • they are
  • we are
  • you are

And plural nouns like books:

  • books are

Use of am

Now let’s learn when to use am.

We use am only when talking about ourselves with the pronoun I.

  • I am a teacher

Is Am Are Sentences (Affirmative)

Structure: Subject+is/am/are+complement
  • He is busy.
  • I am sad.
  • She is hungry.
  • They are thirsty.
  • You are tall.
  • We are smart.
  • She is a student.
  • You are a teacher.
  • I am an Indian.
  • We are scared.
  • We are thankful.
  • He is a scholars.
  • I am waiting for you.
  • It is a lie.
  • It is a great idea.
  • My daughter is very lovely
  • Your house is big
  • Her mobile is expensive.
  • Our teachers are honest.
  • Our children are naughty
  • Our lives are different.
  • Our thoughts are different.
  • Your house is beautiful
  • Your dress is green
  • Your garden is big. 
  • Your opinion is good.
  • Her deeds are great.
  • My country is far away.
  • His name is difficult.
  • His car is nice.
  • Her dress is black.
  • We are learning English.

Is Am Are Sentences (Negative)

Structure: Subject + is/am/are + not+ complement
  • You are not at fault.
  • I am not abroad.
  • He is not married.
  • Her husband is not a liar.
  • Her car is not black.
  • She is not alone.
  • It is not a sunny day.
  • It is not your turn.
  • He is not snoring.
  • She is not in love with him.
  • Her eyes are not blue.
  • She is not selfish.
  • Its head is not big.
  • She is not punctual.
  • They are not players.
  • Their sons are not ugly.
  • He is not hard-working.
  • Their mobiles are not cheap.
  • I am not going to bed.

Is Am Are Sentences (Interrogative)

Structure: is/am/are+ Subject+ complement
  • Is he drawing shapes?
  • Are you looking for me?
  • Is she a nurse?
  • Am I last?
  • Are you sleepy?
  • Is it possible?
  • Are you bored?
  • Is he right?
  • Is she in pain?
  • Are you upset?
  • Am I wrong?
  • Is she impressed?
  • Are you worried?
  • Are we buying books?
  • Is he single?
  • Is it raining outside?
  • Is it legal?
  • Is he fresher?
  • Are they wounded?
  • Are you done?
  • Are they riding their bikes?

Is Am Are Sentences (WH Questions)

Structure: WH words+ is/am/are+ Subject+ complement?
  • Who is there?
  • Where are the documents?
  • When is the meeting?
  • Where are you going?
  • Where are you from?
  • Why are you sad?
  • What is your opinion?
  • What are you talking about?
  • When is he free?
  • Where is the hospital?
  • Why are late?
  • Why are you worried?
  • What is a lie?
  • When is the party?
  • Where are the police?
  • Who is your opponent?
  • Why are you hungry?
  • Why are you running?
  • Where is the doctor?
  • Who is next?
  • Why are we angry?


  • Who is your father?
  • Where is your son?
  • Is your grandson a teacher?
  • Why is your father so sad?
  • Who is his daughter?
  • Who is my grandmother?
  • Who is her brother?
  • Who is her mother?
  • Who are your Parents?
  • Who is her nephew?
  • Who is his niece?

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