100 Opposite Words in English (A to Z)

100 Easy Opposite Words in English (A to Z)

In this article, we embark on a linguistic journey, delving into the world of opposites as we unveil “100 Opposite Words” that will help you improve your English vocabulary.

These easy English opposite words are useful for class 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5.

100 Opposite Words in English

100 Opposite Words in English

Discover the power of language with “100 Opposite Words in English.” Within the pages of “100 Opposite Words in English,” you’ll find a comprehensive collection of antonyms, carefully selected to enhance your vocabulary and communication skills. Elevate your expression and fluency effortlessly with these “100 Opposite Words in English”.
  1. Accept = Refuse
  2. Adult = Child
  3. Absence = Presence
  4. Answer = Question
  5. Attack = Defence
  6. Animal = Human
  7. Boy = Girl
  8. Best = Worst
  9. Bottom = Top
  10. Buy = Sell
  11. Black = White
  12. Birth = Death
  13. Big = Small
  14. Clever = Stupid
  15. Clean = Dirty
  16. Correct = Wrong
  17. Coward = Brave
  18. Cry = Laugh
  19. Day = Night
  20. Dark = Light
  21. Difficult = Easy
  22. Divorce = Marriage
  23. Down = Up
  24. Doubt = Trust
  25. Dry = Wet
  26. Early = Late
  27. East = West
  28. Empty = Full
  29. End = Start
  30. Enemy = Friend
  31. Evening = Morning
  32. Exciting = Boring
  33. Export = Import
  34. False = True
  35. Finish = Start
  36. Foolish = Wise
  37. Friend = Enemy
  38. Future = Past
  39. Funny = Serious
  40. Gentle = Rough
  41. Good = Bad
  42. Go = Come
  43. Guest = Host
  44. Happy = Sad
  45. Hate = Love
  46. Heaven = Hell
  47. Hero = Villain
  48. Heavy = Light
  49. Junior = Senior
  50. Justice = Injustice
  51. Key = Lock
  52. Large = Small
  53. Legal = Illegal
  54. Leader = Follower
  55. Life = Death
  56. Long = Short
  57. Loyal = Disloyal
  58. Male = Female
  59. Master = Servent
  60. Moon = Sun
  61. New =  Old
  62. No = Yes
  63. Odd = Even
  64. Old = Young
  65. Patient = Doctor
  66. Possible = Impossible
  67. Problem = Solution
  68. Real = Fake
  69. Refuse = Accept
  70. Right = Left
  71. Sad = Happy
  72. Same = Different
  73. Secure = Insecure
  74. Selling = Buying
  75. Senior = Junior
  76. Serious = Funny
  77. Silent = Noisy
  78. Simple = Hard
  79. Singular = Plural
  80. Slow = Fast
  81. Smart = Stupid
  82. Son = Daughter
  83. South = North
  84. Spring = Autumn
  85. Start = End
  86. Student = Teacher
  87. Success = Failure
  88. Sweet = Bitter
  89. Sad = Happy
  90. Teach = Learn
  91. Tight = Loose
  92. Untold = Told
  93. Up = Down
  94. Urban = Rural
  95. Useful = Useless
  96. Village = Town
  97. Visible = Invisible
  98. Wealth = Poverty
  99. Wrong = Right
  100. Yesterday = Today
  101. Zip = Unzip
  102. Zoom in = Zoom out

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