Interjection: Definition And 100+ Examples (A to Z)

Interjection: Definition And 100+ Examples (A to Z)

Interjection Definition And Examples: Interjections are one of the most unique and interesting parts of speech in the English language. Often used to express feelings or emotions, interjections can add emphasis, surprise, laughter, or even annoyance to your conversations.
In this comprehensive article, we delve into the world of interjections, exploring interjections definition and examples from A to Z. Whether you’re a language enthusiast, a student, a writer, or simply curious about the fascinating intricacies of communication, this guide will provide you with a deeper understanding of interjections and how they shape our everyday conversations.
Interjection, 100 Examples of Interjection, interjection examples

Interjection Definition

An interjection is a word that expresses a sudden or strong feeling or reaction, and is often used at the beginning of a sentence or phrase. It is a part of speech that is not grammatically related to other words in a sentence.

Examples of interjections include:
  • Wow!
  • Oh no!
  • Yay!
  • Ouch!
  • Hooray!
  • Oops!
  • Hey!
Examples of interjections in Sentences

  1. Oh! I forgot my wallet.
  2. Hi! How are you doing today?
  3. Hurray! We are finally going on vacation.
  4. Oops! I spilled my drink.
  5. Ahem! May I have your attention please?
  6. Yahoo! We passed our exams.

100+ Interjection Examples Sentences

Here are Examples of Using Interjections in Sentences from A to Z

Examples of Interjection Starting with A

  • Ah, that feels so good!
  • Alas, I have lost my favorite pen.
  • Alas! I have lost my wallet.
  • Alack, I dropped and broke my favorite coffee mug.
  • Ach, I burned my finger on the hot stove.
  • Achoo! I think I’m getting a cold.
  • Ahem! may I have your attention, please?
  • Ahoy there, matey! Ready to set sail?
  • Ahoy, mateys! Prepare to set sail!
  • Awesome! I won the game!
  • Aww, how sweet! The little girl gave her teddy bear a kiss.

Examples of Interjection Starting with B

  • Bravo! You nailed the presentation.
  • Bah! I can’t believe I missed my favorite show.
  • Bang! The door slammed shut.
  • Blast it! I missed the bus again.
  • Bless you! You sneezed quite loudly.
  • Boo! You scared me.
  • Brrr! It’s so cold outside.
  • By Jove, I think I’ve solved the puzzle!

Examples of Interjection Starting with C

  • Cheers! Let’s celebrate.

Examples of Interjection Starting with D

  • Dang it! I forgot my umbrella.
  • Darn it! I spilled coffee on my new shirt.
  • Drat! I missed my bus.Drat, I missed the last train home.
  • Doh! I forgot something important.

Examples of Interjection Starting with E

  • Eek! There’s a spider on my desk.
  • Eek! A spider is crawling on my hand.
  • Egads! I can’t believe I won the lottery.
  • Erm! excuse me, but I think you’re in my seat.
  • Eureka! I’ve finally solved the puzzle!
  • Eww! what’s that strange smell coming from the fridge?

Examples of Interjection Starting with F

  • Fiddle-dee-dee, I forgot to buy milk at the grocery store.

Examples of Interjection Starting with G

  • Gadzooks! That thunderstorm is intense.
  • Geez! Can’t you be quiet for a minute?
  • Great Scott! That car is going way too fast.
  • Gosh! That sunset is breathtaking.
  • Geez! That was a close call.
  • Good gracious, that party was a blast!
  • Good golly Miss Molly, that dance move was impressive.
  • Good grief, I can’t believe I forgot my wallet again.
  • Golly gee, I can’t wait for the weekend to start.
  • Golly gee whiz, that’s a fantastic fireworks display.
  • Gosh! I can’t believe I ate the whole pizza.

Examples of Interjection Starting with H

  • Ha-ha! That was hilarious.
  • Heck! I missed my friend’s birthday party.
  • Holy guacamole, that was a close call.
  • Hooray! I finally graduated from college.
  • Hallelujah! I finally found my keys.
  • Hey! Can you come over here for a moment?
  • Hot dog! We got front-row tickets to the concert.
  • Hot diggity dog, this pizza is amazing.
  • Hooray! I got accepted into college.
  • Holy cow, look at the size of that wave!
  • Holy moly, that burger is enormous!
  • Holy smokes, that car nearly hit me!
  • Holy Toledo, that’s the best cake I’ve ever tasted.
  • Hush! Be quiet, I think I heard something.
  • Huzzah, the new restaurant in town is open!
  • Huzzah! Our team scored the winning goal.

Examples of Interjection Starting with J

  • Jeez Louise! That was a close call.
  • Jeepers, that haunted house is giving me chills.
  • Jings! I didn’t expect that to happen.
  • Jinkies, there’s a mystery to be solved!

Examples of Interjection Starting with L

  • La-di-da! Look at you in your fancy outfit.
  • Lamentably, I didn’t make it to the concert on time.

Examples of Interjection Starting with M

  • My goodness! Your new car is amazing.
  • My word! That story was interesting.

Examples of Interjection Starting with O

  • Okey-dokey, let’s get this party started.
  • Oh no! I forgot my cellphone at home.
  • Oh boy, this ice cream is absolutely delicious.
  • Oh bother, I forgot my umbrella on this rainy day.
  • Oh botheration, I got a flat tire on my way to work.
  • Oh crikey, I nearly stepped on a snake!
  • Oh dear! I forgot to buy groceries for tonight’s dinner.
  • Oh fiddlesticks, I spilled coffee on my new shirt.
  • Oh dearie me, I forgot to turn off the oven.
  • Oh heavens, I forgot to turn off the stove.
  • Oh la la, this new dress is absolutely stunning.
  • Oh my, what a beautiful sunset.
  • Oh my goodness me, I can’t believe my eyes.
  • Oh my stars and garters, I can’t believe it’s you!
  • Oh my word, that sunset is absolutely stunning.
  • Oh snap, I totally forgot about our meeting today.
  • Oh my lanta, that roller coaster made my heart race.
  • Oh schnitzel, I burned the cookies in the oven.
  • Oh schnitzel, I burned the cookies in the oven.
  • Oof, that backpack is heavy!
  • Oops! I spilled coffee on my shirt.- Oopsie, I spilled coffee on my shirt.
  • Oopsie, I made a typo in my email.
  • Oopsie-doodle, I spilled soup all over the kitchen counter.
  • Oops-a-daisy! I dropped my phone and cracked the screen.
  • Ouch! That really hurt.

Examples of Interjection Starting with P

  • Phew! That was a relief.
  • Phooey! I missed the bus and now I’m late.

Examples of Interjection Starting with S

  • Shh! Be quiet, the baby is sleeping.

Examples of Interjection Starting with U

  • Uh-oh! I think I broke my phone.
  • Ugh! I hate getting stuck in traffic.
  • Uh-oh! I think I left the stove on.

Examples of Interjection Starting with V

  • Voila! Here is the finished product

Examples of Interjection Starting with W

  • Well done! You aced that test.
  • Whoa, that was an incredible magic trick!
  • Woohoo! We’re going on a vacation to the beach!
  • Whoopsie, I dropped the plate and it shattered.
  • Wow! That cake looks fantastic.
  • Wowza, that fireworks display was amazing!

Examples of Interjection Starting with Y

  • Yay! I won the raffle.
  • Yabba-dabba-doozie, that’s a massive ice cream sundae.
  • Yahoo! I won the lottery!
  • Yeehaw, let’s saddle up and go for a ride!
  • Yeehaw! Let’s go for a ride on the mechanical bull.
  • Yikes! That was a terrible idea.
  • Yippee! It’s my birthday today!
  • Yippee! I aced the exam!
  • Yippee ki-yay! It’s time for some adventure.
  • Yo! What’s up, my friend?
  • Yodelay-hee-hoo, let’s have a sing-along.
  • Yoo-hoo! Is anyone home?
  • Yoo-hoo, over here! I have a question.
  • Yowza, that roller coaster was a thrilling ride!
  • Yowzers, that was a close call!

Overall, interjections are an important part of language because they allow us to express our emotions and add nuance to our speech and writing.

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