100+ Useful Examples of Prepositions of Time

100+ Useful Examples of Prepositions of Time

100+ Prepositions of Time Examples: Prepositions of time are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and time. These prepositions are essential in giving context to events, actions, or situations, as they provide information on when something happened or will happen. In this article, we’ll explore the definition of prepositions of time and provide examples of how they are used in sentences.

Examples of Prepositions of Time, Definition of Prepositions of Time

Definition of Prepositions of Time

Prepositions of time are words that describe the relationship between a noun or pronoun and time. They help establish when an event or action took place, how long it lasted, or when it will happen. Some common prepositions of time include

  • At: Used to specify a particular time of the day, night, or specific point in time. Example: I have a meeting at 3 p.m.

  • In: Used to specify a period or duration of time, or to describe a general time in the future. Example: She will graduate in three years.

  • On: Used to specify a particular day or date. Example: My birthday is on May 10th.

  • By: Used to indicate a deadline or a time when an action is completed. Example: I need to finish this report by Friday.

Examples of Prepositions of Time in Sentences

Here are some examples of prepositions of time used in sentences:

  1. I will meet you at 6 p.m.
  2. She will arrive in ten minutes.
  3. The concert is on Saturday.
  4. I need to finish my homework by tomorrow.
  5. I usually wake up at 7 a.m.
  6. We’ll be on vacation in Hawaii for two weeks.
  7. Please submit your report by the end of the day.
  8. He arrived at the restaurant at noon.
  9. We will have a test in two weeks.
  10. We celebrate our anniversary on the 3rd of July.
  11. We need to finish the project by the end of the month.
  12. I like to read during my commute to work.
  13. The train will leave the station at 8:30 a.m.
  14. She has been living in New York for five years.
  15. Christmas is on December 25th.
  16. The package should arrive by Friday.
  17. The concert was cancelled during the storm.
  18. The party starts at 7 p.m.
  19. They plan to finish the construction in three months.
  20. I have a dentist appointment on Wednesday.
  21. Can you send me the report by the end of the week?
  22. We had a great time during the game.
  23. I will meet you at the park at 4 p.m.
  24. She will graduate in the spring of next year.
  25. The store is closed on Sundays.
  26. Please finish the project by the end of the week.
  27. I felt sleepy during the movie.
  28. They usually have dinner at 7 p.m.
  29. We will be in London for two weeks.
  30. My birthday is on August 16th.
  31. Can you send me the report by Monday?
  32. I like to listen to music during my workout.
  33. The museum opens at 10 a.m.
  34. She has been studying in the library for three hours.
  35. We are going to a concert on Friday.
  36. I need to finish this book by the end of the month.
  37. We saw a lot of wildlife during the safari.
  38. The game starts at 7:30 p.m.
  39. We will have a break in ten minutes.
  40. The store will be closed on New Year’s Day.
  41. Please email me the presentation by tomorrow.
  42. I love to travel during the summer.
  43. The party will start at midnight.
  44. I will be on vacation in Europe for two weeks.
  45. My flight is on Tuesday.
  46. Please complete the project by the end of the day.
  47. We watched a movie during the flight.
  48. The store opens at 9 a.m.
  49. I will see you in an hour.
  50. My sister’s birthday is on June 3rd.
  51. Can you send me the report by the end of the week?
  52. We went to the beach during the summer.
  53. He arrived at the airport at 5 a.m.
  54. I will finish the project in two days.
  55. The meeting is on Monday.
  56. Please submit your application by the deadline.
  57. I like to exercise during the morning.
  58. I will meet you at the coffee shop at noon.
  59. I will be ready in five minutes.
  60. The class starts on Wednesday.
  61. Please return the book by next week.
  62. We enjoyed the scenery during the hike.
  63. The workshop starts precisely at 10:00 a.m.
  64. She will be back by the end of the year.
  65. We usually have dinner around 7 p.m.
  66. The festival takes place throughout the weekend.
  67. He works from Monday to Friday.
  68. The play is set in the 19th century.
  69. They went on vacation during the winter holidays.
  70. The store closes at 9 p.m.
  71. I have been waiting since morning.
  72. The party will be held on New Year’s Eve.
  73. The meeting has been rescheduled for next Tuesday.
  74. They will be away for a month starting in July.
  75. We meet every other Wednesday.
  76. The event lasted from morning until night.
  77. I will see you in a couple of hours.
  78. I will meet you at 9 o’clock.
  79. The party starts at midnight.
  80. She was born in 1990.
  81. We usually have lunch during the afternoon.
  82. They go for a walk every morning.
  83. The concert will take place on Saturday.
  84. The deadline for the project is next week.
  85. He will arrive by the end of the month.
  86. I haven’t seen her since last year.
  87. We stayed up until dawn.
  88. The train departs after 7 p.m.
  89. The conference is scheduled for next month.
  90. We have a meeting before lunch.
  91. She finished the project within two hours.
  92. I will see you in a few minutes.
  93. They are going on vacation during the summer.
  94. The event starts at 6:30 sharp.
  95. The store is open from Monday to Friday.
  96. He will return by the end of the day.
  97. We used to go camping every spring.
  98. The movie will be released in October.
  99. She is going on a business trip next week.
  100. The museum is closed on Sundays.
  101. They arrived at the airport on time.
  102. The concert lasted for three hours

I hope these examples of prepositions of time help to further illustrate how prepositions of time are used in sentences.

It’s important to note that prepositions of time are used in conjunction with specific nouns or pronouns. In the examples above, the prepositions of time are used in relation to specific times or events.


Prepositions of time are important in understanding the context of events, actions, or situations. They help establish when something happened, how long it lasted, or when it will happen. Common prepositions of time include at, in, on, by, and during. By understanding prepositions of time, you can more effectively communicate about time and events in your writing and speech.

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